Arizona Science Center - Camp Innovation 2020 Summer Camps
In alignment with the mission of Arizona Science Center, these camps provide children engaging opportunities to experience science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Multiple camps are hosted throughout the year, with a variety of themes and focuses. During the summer, however, multi-week premiere camps are hosted. These face steep competition for attendance since, throughout the state, multiple organizations, educational sites, and religious centers provide summer camp opportunities. They all compete for the attention of parents and students alike. Since this program is a large revenue driver for Arizona Science Center, the collateral of the 2020 Summer Camp season needed to be eye-catching, engaging, and unique to compel students to learn more about the different camp offerings and, ultimately, sign up for the camps.

My Role:
Creative Direction / Content Development / Digital Marketing
After competitive analysis, it was clear the differentiator of Arizona Science Center’s camps was the STEM-focused curriculum. Unique offerings include creating your own planetarium presentation, experiencing the distinct challenges of surviving in the harsh environments of space, and even using forensics to investigate fairytale-themed “crime scenes.” The challenge was to create print and digital collateral that encompassed the wide variety of extraordinary camp themes, while presenting with clarity the many details for each camp, including age ranges, pricing, dates, and times. As there were limited touchpoints for the collateral, the content needed to have a dual-purpose as both marketing and informational pieces.
The solution was a distinctive, colorful, and enchanting booklet, which gathered high praise and interest from parents and students across multiple age ranges. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Summer Camps were put on hold until further notice.

Summer Camp 2020 Booklet

Onsite Sign Above the Booklet Distribution Holders

Social Media Posts and Cover Photos